.. _local-plugin-smoothing: Smoothing --------- .. warning:: This is experimental; not actively maintain and might not work. .. image:: images/smoothing_before.png :width: 800px :alt: Smoothing plugin, before .. image:: images/smoothing_after.png :width: 800px :alt: Smoothing plugin, after This local plugin is used to smooth the chosen image using one of the following algorithms: =========== ============================================ ====================================== Algorithm Description Function =========== ============================================ ====================================== ``boxcar`` Convolve image with normalize boxcar kernel. :func:`~scipy.ndimage.convolve` ``gauss`` Apply a Gaussian filter. :func:`~scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter` ``medfilt`` Apply a median filter. :func:`~scipy.ndimage.median_filter` =========== ============================================ ====================================== Once user has selected the algorithm and entered the appropriate parameter values, smoothing is done by clicking the "Smooth" button. .. note:: The actual smoothing process might be time and resource intensive. The smoothed image is inserted into Ginga as a new image, leaving the original image untouched. Details on the smoothing performed can be viewed using :ref:`ginga:sec-plugins-changehistory`. In addition, it can be saved using :ref:`ginga:sec-plugins-global-saveimage`.