Source code for stginga.plugin_info

"""This module contains functions to handle ``stginga`` plugins.
See :ref:`stginga-run`.

from ginga.misc.Bunch import Bunch

__all__ = ['load_plugins', 'show_plugin_install_info']

[docs] def load_plugins(ginga): """Load the ``stginga`` plugins. Parameters ---------- ginga The ginga app object that is provided to ``pre_gui_config`` in ````. """ stglobal_plugins, stlocal_plugins = _get_stginga_plugins() # Add custom global plugins for gplg in stglobal_plugins: if gplg['module'] in ginga.global_plugins:'Plugin {gplg["module"]} already loaded in ' 'Ginga. Not adding again.') else: ginga.add_global_plugin(gplg) # Add custom local plugins for lplg in stlocal_plugins: if lplg['module'] in ginga.local_plugins:'Plugin {lplg["module"]} already loaded in ' 'Ginga. Not adding again.') else: ginga.add_local_plugin(lplg)
def _get_stginga_plugins(): gpfx = 'stginga.plugins' # To load custom plugins in Ginga namespace global_plugins = [] local_plugins = [ Bunch(module='BackgroundSub', workspace='dialogs', pfx=gpfx, category='Custom', ptype='local'), Bunch(module='BadPixCorr', workspace='dialogs', pfx=gpfx, category='Custom', ptype='local'), Bunch(module='DQInspect', workspace='dialogs', pfx=gpfx, category='Custom', ptype='local'), Bunch(module='SNRCalc', workspace='dialogs', pfx=gpfx, category='Custom', ptype='local'), ] return global_plugins, local_plugins
[docs] def show_plugin_install_info(): """Print the documentation on how to install the ginga plugins.""" print('See')